Use the link attached here to sign up for the free non sporting events at Peck School that happen either in the gym or at the football field area. Tomorrow’s homecoming crowning ceremony will take place on this site for free. Just sign up and you will be able to see this event as it takes place. The event is labeled pep rally. Enjoy!
over 4 years ago, Paula Davidson
Fall sports seasons are quickly coming to an end thus we need to inform you that we are going to still have our annual parents night however it will have a different look. All parents will be recognized but we will only have seniors and their parents walk on the field or court due to social distancing and limited fans in the stand. Know we truly appreciate everything you do for your young athletes however this year we are forced to take a different approach. Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Paula Davidson
Good afternoon. We will have some extra seating available for tonight’s events. Tickets will be available at each booth, in a first come first serve basis. Seating is more limited for volleyball so please be aware that we may run out. Masks are still required.
over 4 years ago, Bill Kerr
Capacity for tonight’s JH football game is now 240. We should have plenty of tickets if you’d like to see a game. Admission is free we just ask that you stop at the ticket booth and fill out a ticket for contact tracing purposes.
over 4 years ago, Bill Kerr
Good evening. While we sort out the impact of Friday’s Supreme Court ruling regarding the governor’s authority, we will continue with the plan put in place at the start of the school year. This means that masks will not be required in K-5 classrooms as of now. All other protocols are still in place until we receive clarification from the state. We hope to have that clarification as soon as possible and will continue to communicate changes as they come. Thank you.
over 4 years ago, Bill Kerr
Attention 8, 9, 10 and 11th grade Virtual students: We will be conducting PSAT testing on October 14th for these grade levels starting at 830 a.m. Prior to this date we need to fill in appropriate information on the answer sheets which means we will need for these students to come in for this process. I will be opening the media center on Wednesday, October 7th from 230 til 4 p.m. to conduct this preadministration meeting. Please call the school if you are unable to attend this event. Thanks!
over 4 years ago, Paula Davidson
A reminder that tomorrow, Friday, October 2nd will be our first snack cart day of the year. Snacks are $1.00 each. The snack cart is available every Friday.
over 4 years ago, Kelly Smith Peck PPTO has an open sale for generic apparel for all sizes baby-adult available to order at the above link until 10/23. Happy shopping! #piratelife
over 4 years ago, Mrs. Kerr Information about Peck Elementary's plan for new executive order can be found here. Have a wonderful weekend. More updates to follow next week.
over 4 years ago, Mrs. Kerr
mask Corrected link to livestream sports.
over 4 years ago, Bill Kerr
Our NFHS cameras in the gym and at the football field are up and ready for viewing. You can subscribe to this product by going to Once accessing this site type in Peck Community High School in the school area and choose Peck, Mi then subscribe to Peck home events as well as other schools that have this capability on site. Other schools that have cameras in the NCTL are Dryden, Kingston, Mayville and North Huron. There are some scam sites out there so please make sure you type in this website exactly as it appears here. The cost of this product is $10.00 for a month pass or $69.99 for an annual pass which is divided over 12 months. If you have any questions please feel free to call the high school office. Go Pirates!
over 4 years ago, Paula Davidson
Reminder: Due to SAT testing, grades 6-11 do NOT report to school on Wednesday. Busses may run a little early in the morning. Good luck seniors.
over 4 years ago, Bill Kerr
Don’t forget tomorrow is SAT testing! We are asking seniors to report to school by 815 am. Good Luck to all seniors.
over 4 years ago, Paula Davidson Printable Fall Sports Schedule
over 4 years ago, Bill Kerr
SAT is scheduled for all seniors next Wednesday, September 23,2020. Yesterday we completed the answer sheets with their demographic information and score reporting. Each student was given the opportunity to have their scores sent to 4 different institutions for free. Please discuss this with your son/daughter. All seniors should report to school by 815 am Wednesday morning. Good Luck to all Seniors! Testing will take a little over 3 hours and they will be allowed to go home after testing. Contact the high school office if you have questions.
over 4 years ago, Paula Davidson
Attention all students in grades 6-11: due to senior SAT testing, this Wednesday will be a virtual learning day. You will not attend school in person but may log into Canvas to work.
over 4 years ago, Bill Kerr
Attention Virtual Families: We can begin school pictures at 12:30 if you are available. Please use the back parking lot and go directly into the gym. No appointments necessary, call your child's building office with questions.
over 4 years ago, Bill Kerr
Picture day is this Friday, 9/18! Virtual students are welcome to come in starting at 2:30. No appointments, first come first served. Pictures take place in the gym. Please use back entrance by superintendent’s office.
over 4 years ago, Mrs. Kerr
Picture day
Reminder for Virtual Students: lunch pickup is today from 12:30-1 in the circle drive. Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Mrs. Kerr
Lunch Attention Virtual Students: Picture day is Friday, from 3-4 pm. No appointments, first come first served.
over 4 years ago, Bill Kerr