This week's Senior of the Week is… Peter Behnke!! Peter has been a part of NHS, Student Council, the Gaming Club and Varsity Football! He also enjoys drawing and art. His favorite Peck memory is from 8th grade, being in gym class playing volleyball. Peter plans to attend college, get his masters degree and become an art teacher!
about 3 years ago, Ashley Markham
peter Athletics: link for practice schedule week of 1/17/22
about 3 years ago, Bill Kerr
Jr/Sr High we will continue with our regularly scheduled exams for Friday. Career Center students still do not have to attend school tomorrow. Don't forget tomorrow is a half day with an 11:30 release time. We will have the exams we missed today on MONDAY. I hope you are enjoying your day off. Stay safe and be well!
about 3 years ago, Ashley Markham
ice day
Athletics: tonight’s girls varsity basketball game will be played as scheduled. Bus leaves at 4:15. There will be no junior high or elementary practices tonight.
about 3 years ago, Peck Community Schools
Good morning. Peck Schools will be closed today, Thursday January 13th due to icy road conditions. Stay safe and enjoy your day off.
about 3 years ago, Peck Community Schools
This is a friendly reminder that Peck Schools will be dismissed this FRIDAY January 14th at 11:30 am.
about 3 years ago, Mrs. Kerr Athletics: The boosters need your help! Please click the link to volunteer to help in the concessions stand.
about 3 years ago, Bill Kerr
This week’s Senior of the Week is… Mikayla Beemer!! Mikayla was on the varsity volleyball team, NHS and Student Council! She enjoys reading, doing puzzles, and spending time with family! Her favorite memory from school was being in Health Occupations class junior year while making new friends and experiencing new traits! Mikayla plans to attend either Delta College or Saginaw Valley State University to join the pre-chiropractic medicine program!
about 3 years ago, Ashley Markham
This week’s Senior of the Week is… Ethan Banas!! Ethan is a part of the varsity basketball team and enjoys hanging out with friends! After graduation Ethan plans to go into the workforce.
about 3 years ago, Ashley Markham
Attention Parents: High School exams start on Wednesday. Career Center students do NOT need to attend school on Friday, January 14th, which is a half day marking the end of the first semester.
about 3 years ago, Ashley Markham
The Snowball dance will be after the Varsity Boys basketball game on February 11th. More details to come.
about 3 years ago, Ashley Markham
Athletics: tonight’s jv/v boys basketball game will start at 630 vs Bay City All Saints.
about 3 years ago, Peck Community Schools
Community Members, we want to start a fun tradition for our Senior class. If you would like to sponsor a senior by donating $20 to purchase a yard sign, the senior class would appreciate your support. The yard signs will line our grounds facing the road so everyone can see who our graduating class is. Each yard sign is $20; however, we will gladly accept any donated amount. You can bring your money to any home basketball game, send it in with your student, or bring it to the High School Office. Thank you for your show of support to the class of 2022.
about 3 years ago, Ashley Markham
senior signs
Athletics: Tonight’s jv/v girls basketball game is postponed. It has been rescheduled to 1/29 at 1 pm.
about 3 years ago, Peck Community Schools
Support #OxfordStrong by purchasing a t-shirt to wear on 2/4/22 as Peck plays North Huron for the MHSAA's Oxford Strong Game Night. Proceeds will be donated to the Oxford Community. We will also be taking donations at the game! Get your orders in by 1/14/22.
about 3 years ago, Mrs. Kerr
This is a friendly reminder that Peck Schools will dismiss tomorrow, Wednesday, January 5, 2022 at 1:00 pm. Thank you!
about 3 years ago, Mrs. Kerr
This is a friendly reminder that we will be releasing at 1:00 pm this Wednesday, January 5, 2022 for Staff Professional Development.
about 3 years ago, Mrs. Kerr
early release wed
Happy New Year from Peck Community Schools! School resumes Monday, Jan. 3rd 2022.
about 3 years ago, Bill Kerr
Elem. basketball: practice in the cafeteria tomorrow (12/20) from 4-6 pm for 4th-6th grade boys and 5th grade girls.
about 3 years ago, Peck Community Schools Corrected photo link for PJ Parade and Breakfast with Santa
about 3 years ago, Mrs. Kerr