Girls basketball: the bus to CPS leaves at 4:15 tomorrow.
about 3 years ago, Peck Community Schools
Starting tomorrow, Dec 6th students are allowed to wear HATS through December 17th. That is my Christmas present to my students! Students do not have to pay to wear their hats. Starting next Monday, December 13 we will have daily dress up days. This is not mandatory. Let's finish out the two weeks before Christmas making learning fun. -Principal Markham
about 3 years ago, Ashley Markham
Students and staff, don't forget to wear navy blue and gold tomorrow to show your support for the Oxford community. We will have a photographer from the paper at school tomorrow morning to take our picture. We will also be creating a special video to send to the Oxford students and community to let them know they are supported, loved, and the lives that were lost will never be forgotten. When they can't stand for themselves Peck Pirates will stand FOR them! #OxfordStrong #PirateStrong
about 3 years ago, Ashley Markham
6th Grade: Module 5 QUIZ will be Monday, Dec. 6. Students were given study guides to help them prepare. Students can earn extra credit if they get their study guide signed by an adult, who can verify he/she studied. Contact Mrs. Oz with any questions.
about 3 years ago, Amanda Osantowski
Athletics: jv boys basketball practice is canceled for tonight.
about 3 years ago, Peck Community Schools
We are kicking off the holidays with Flannel Friday! I completely forgot to announce this at school today. I am sorry for the short notice. Middle/High students dress to impress with your best flannel tomorrow! -Principal Markham
about 3 years ago, Ashley Markham
The band students are excited to perform again! Mark your calendars for our Winter Concert on December 15th at 7pm! See you there!
about 3 years ago, Mr. Klepp
7th Grade Families: During the Week of Dec. 6, we will be wrapping up our Unit 2 in Math. Rather than start a new unit, students will complete a project based on the upcoming holiday season. As a result, we will need the paper ads from various stores (Walmart, Kohl's, Meijer, etc.) for our "shopping lists." Please send these in with your child for extra credit. Catalogs/ads will be accepted through Dec. 7 . Please contact Mrs. Oz with any questions.
about 3 years ago, Amanda Osantowski
We will be running an adjusted bus route this evening. Students’ evening drop times may vary by 10-15 minutes.
about 3 years ago, Mrs. Kerr
7th Grade: Module 5 QUIZ Thursday (Dec. 2) and Friday (Dec. 3). Students were given study guides to help them prepare. Students can earn extra credit if they get their study guide signed by an adult, who can verify he/she studied. Due to scheduling conflicts, Math 7A (1st & 2nd hours) will take their quiz on Friday, Dec. 3; Math 7A2 (3rd & 4th hours) will take their quiz on Thursday, Dec. 2. Please contact Mrs. Oz with any questions.
about 3 years ago, Amanda Osantowski
PPTO apparel orders are IN! We will not send home with students unless we are instructed to do so in case they are gifts. Please call the elementary office to make arrangements. 810-378-5200 x. 1.
about 3 years ago, Mrs. Kerr We have re-opened the online store for winter sports apparel. It closes Monday morning, delivery expected on or before Tuesday, 12/21.
about 3 years ago, Bill Kerr
The stockings were hung in the office with care. We have 17 staff members on our side of the building & each one has their very own stocking. Let's show our Middle/High teachers & staff how much we care by bringing in something small to fill their stockings. You can bring in a small treat any time between now and the start of our holiday break. Our teachers love candy, gum, pens, pencils, sharpies, waters, pops, chips, post-it notes. Thank you for supporting our teachers & staff. -Principal Markham
about 3 years ago, Ashley Markham
Good afternoon. This is a friendly reminder that school is back in session tomorrow morning. Have a good night!
about 3 years ago, Peck Community Schools Practice schedule for the week of 11-29-21. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
about 3 years ago, Bill Kerr
Basketball for elementary students grades 1st-6th grades is CANCELLED for Saturday 11/20. Basketball is scheduled to resume on 12/4. Have a great break!
about 3 years ago, Mrs. Kerr
Junior class, don't forget to sell your poinsettias during our Thanksgiving break!
about 3 years ago, Ashley Markham
There IS school tomorrow! Closure begins Friday evening after school!
about 3 years ago, Mrs. Kerr
Our apologies! Correction-PCS’s Thanksgiving holiday will begin Friday 11/19 and end Sunday 11/28.
about 3 years ago, Mrs. Kerr
Good evening. As we experience staffing issues and a high rate of absences, PCS has made the decision to cancel school for the entire week of Thanksgiving break. The facility (including athletics events and practices) will be closed from Friday evening 11/26 through Sunday 11/28. Classes will resume Monday 11/29. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we work through this circumstance.
about 3 years ago, Mrs. Kerr