As we prepare to begin the 2021-22 school year and fall sports season, there are several upcoming dates to mark on your calendar:
8/2/21 (Monday)-6th-12th Grade Sports Physicals at Peck Medical Center
*Students must have an appointment, please call the high school office to schedule your appointment. Leave a message and someone will return your call and assist in scheduling the appointment. Athletes must have an MHSAA Physical form completed at the time of the exam, you can stop into the school to pick one up during business hours or download and print from this link MHSAA Phycial Form 2021-22
All athletes are REQUIRED to have a completed physical form on file before they may begin practice.
8/8/21 (Sunday)-Fall Sports Open House (6th-12th Grades at 6 pm (Football, Volleyball, Cross Country, Cheer)
*Please meet in the high school gym. Coach/Parent group meetings will take place at this time with handbooks, team rules, and practice schedules being distributed to parents.
8/9/21 (Monday)-First day of fall sports practice-High School
Students in grades 9-12 for the 2021-22 school year will begin practice for competition in Football, Volleyball, and Cross Country.
8/23/21 (Monday)-First of fall sports practice-Junior High School
Students in grades 6-8 for the 2021-22 school year will begin practice for competition in Football, Volleyball, Cross Country, and Football Cheer.
Competition schedules for each sport/level will be released to the public next Wednesday, July 21st. You may access several formats from the school website, stop in the superintendents' office during business hours, or visit local businesses to pick up hard copies and follow your favorite Pirate teams this fall!
If you have any questions regarding these dates/information, please contact Bill Kerr at