ELA-This week we worked on personification and breaking down a moment. Ask your student what personification is and if they can give you an example.
Social Studies-We finished our first unit; Government. We studied why we need government and the purposes of government. We learned about federalism, organizing structure, individual rights, powers of the the branches and the core values of constitutional democracy.
Science-We are learning about food webs and food chains and what makes each. We are learning how organisms in ecosystems depend upon each other. Specifically, we are making models of an African River and Lakes Ecosystem as we read a book and pull information from the book to create our models.
Math w/Mrs. Prouse-
Important Notes-
- Oct 7-Count Day
- Oct 15-Half day, students dismissed at 11:30, P/T conferences; 12-3 & 4-7
- Oct 16-Half day
- Oct 23-"My Cards" due